Modular Optimization to Service-oriented Architecture Identification Kit (MOSAIK) is a toolkit for software architects and developers to convert monolithic applications into service-oriented architectures. It analyzes, extracts information, identifies suitable service candidates in monolith codebases using advanced technologies and machine learning.

MOSAIK was developed while writing my Master's Thesis in Software Engineering at the University of Turku, Finland.

Smart Energy Assistant: web application that implements our algorithm to curtail energy generated based on weather and energy production forecast, and user-defined rules, allowing homeowners to manage their energy infrastructure in an efficient way.

The application was developed for the Energy Solutions for People - RESPONSE2020 3rd Technical Hackathon funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 project in Turku, Finland. The submission won second prize and the team was awarded €2000 prize money.

Smart Energy Assistant: dynamic web application that allows you to monitor your energy consumption in real-time, and provides you with actionable insights to reduce your energy bill.

The application was developed for the Energy Solutions for People - RESPONSE2020 2nd Technical Hackathon funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 project in Turku, Finland. The submission won second prize and the team was awarded €5000 prize money.

Concept for creating awareness on daily energy consumption by leveraging the local public transportation application Föli in Turku (Finland) and enhancing it with energy consumption usage and applying gamification principles, allowing citizens to make smarter and more ecological choices.

The concept was developed for the Energy Solutions for People - RESPONSE2020 1st Hackathon funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 project in Turku, Finland. The submission won second prize and the team was awarded €2000 prize money.

Zero-Trust Health System coupled with blockchain-powered smart contracts. Finalist entry for the 2022 Nokia Student Hackathon.

Redis server and client implementation in plain Ruby.

3D simulation of a self-parking car algorithm. The car uses a genetic algorithm to determine how to park most efficiently, considering the ideal parking spot and the car surrounding it.

Kōzō (構造) is an open-source tool to manage your cloud resources based on the infrastructure as code principle. It leverages the power and flexibility of Ruby to allow you to declare your infrastructure in your favourite language.

Unofficial Ruby bindings for the Hetzner Cloud API, allowing developers to interact with the API in a modern, object-oriented fashion.

Code Red is a tiny task project management app that leverages graphs to visualize the dependencies between tasks and resources. It was my submission for the Build on Redis hackathon, where I won first prize and was awarded $10,000 prize money.

End-to-end encrypted instant messaging application, written as a Progressive Web Application. Modeled closely on existing solutions such as WhatsApp and Telegram.

What if course material could…

Open Webslides is a platform to create interactive course material that promotes co-creation with students and colleagues. It is built with modern web technologies and standards to promote an interactive and accessible learning environment.

Heavy Metal music recommendation and discovery platform. It uses hybrid collaborative and content-based filtering to determine novel artist and album recommendations based on the user's previous ratings.

Metal Archives Web Service Ruby API wrapper. Provides a Ruby API to the famous Metal Archives database.

Simple set-and-forget reminder app.

Practical study in typography and minimalism, culminating in a simple yet elegant portfolio website.

Development of an interactive web component: visualization of a directed acyclic graph containing financial information (closed source).

Web application enabling teacher-student engagement in an educational gamification setting. Based on the Trivial Pursuit board game.

Custom-built user management system for centralizing email and other services, written in pure Ruby and Ruby on Rails.

Music Player Daemon (MPD) Protocol-compatible interface layer to the popular Android media player Poweramp. It allows you to control and browse your Android phone's media library from your computer, or even another phone.